It’s Indeed ‘A Must’ At North Park

I’ve heard a couple of good feedback about North Park but we didn’t have a chance to try the restaurant until Sunday. My sisters have different opinions about their food based on their previous dining experiences but I needed to try them myself. Since we were in Marquee Mall last weekend, I brought my family at North Park. The restaurant was jam-packed with customers when we got there.

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Quick Lunch At Kenny Rogers Before Brother’s Flight

It was my brother’s time to go back to Japan. Together with Mom, we drove him to NAIA terminal 3 and arrived a bit early. It was lunchtime then so we decided to grab something to eat before leaving my brother at the airport. Good thing there are quite a number of restaurants and fast food chains in the airport. Realizing he hadn’t eaten in Kenny Rogers since he arrived in the country, my brother agreed to have our lunch there.

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Trying Out The Honey Roast Chicken At Kenny Rogers

I was well prepared on what I was going to order at Kenny Rogers – Trinoma for lunch but things didn’t turn out the way I hoped them to be. I’ve been craving for a roasted chicken for days and that was supposed to be satisfied yesterday if only Kenny’s classic roast chicken was available. There was no cooked chicken available when I ordered and so they offered me their new roast chicken instead.

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Roasted Chicken At Kenny Rogers Roasters

We were out last Sunday to do our hopefully last shopping for Christmas. My younger sister would be very busy in the next few days and that was the only time she could manage to buy gifts for her friends and us. Everyone was not in the mood to spend a lot for lunch so we settled for a restaurant that I know serves healthy meals, the Kenny Rogers Roasters.

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