Celebrating Dad’s 55th Birthday At SumoSam

It was my father’s birthday and like what we used to do every year, we celebrated it with the whole family even if my Dad wasn’t here during his special day. Since I’m still in search for new restaurants to try on, I brought my family to SumoSam at Marquee Mall. I’ve been hearing a lot of good feedback about the restaurant and just found out later that it’s co-owned by Marvin Agustin, a local celebrity. We’re not into Japanese foods but we would like to try some of them especially those fused with American flavors.

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Turning 22 At Conti’s

I actually forgot to blog about this event. I was just reminded when found some pictures of my 22nd birthday in my computer. It was just a simple celebration – attended mass at Quiapo Church then went out for lunch with my Mom and youngest sister at Trinoma Mall. We initially knew Conti’s Pastry Shop and Restaurant through their cakes until we tried their dining in their restaurant a few years ago. We liked their foods and since then, their restaurant became a popular choice among us every time we’re in Trinoma.

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Graduation Dinner at Pancake House

Last year, my sister graduated from college in UP Extension Program in Pampanga. The event took place at Fontana Leisure Parks and Casino at Clark, Pampanga. The ceremonies ended a little bit late; maybe around 8pm. Good thing Marquee Mall is just a few minutes drive away from the place. The mall usually closes at 9pm so we’re still able to get there on time for dinner. It’s not our first time to eat at Pancake House, by the way.

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Family Went to Becky’s Kitchen

Last February, my family and I took my brother to the airport for his flight to Japan. Since I ordered some pastries to Becky’s Kitchen a few days ago before the flight schedule, we went to the pastry shop before heading home. This was the second time I’d bought some goodies there after craving for walnut fudge for years. If I remember right, my first visit there was when I had to go to the National Library in Kalaw.

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