Hot And Sizzling Merienda With Mom

Whenever I’m out with Mom, we couldn’t get away from eating merienda before going home. Lucky for us, there’s always a branch of Max’s Restaurant nearby. This restaurant is a personal favorite and Mom just couldn’t say no to me most of the time. She usually prefers eating at the food court, where there are more choices and food are very much affordable.

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Pre-Valentine Date With Family At Tempura Japanese Grill

So Valentine’s Day fell on a weekday and my sisters wouldn’t be home that day. Because of this, we had to celebrate in advance and spend it with Mom last weekend. We were originally planning to go to Marquee Mall but time didn’t permit us to do us. We went to SM Pampanga instead. My sister requested to have lunch in Tempura Japanese Grill, good thing no one disagreed.

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Dinner Stopover At Isdaan

Since I’ll be posting a related post soon, I decided to finally publish this entry. Sorry, I know this is a long overdue story. Anyway, it was a holiday then and I was able to convince my family to go to Pangasinan and Tarlac for a one-day trip. I was expecting to arrive Isdaan at an earlier time, probably around mid-afternoon but we got stuck at Urdaneta on our way to Tarlac from Manaoag and San Fabian. It was early in the evening when we reached the restaurant. I’ve been in the place early last year but my friends and I went there for sightseeing only. I was not only after in tasting their food, I also wanted to bring my family there.

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Something New at Tempura Japanese Grill

It’s Christmas and my brother was here in the Philippines. It’s been a tradition for the family to go out during Christmas to get away from people coming to our house for “aguinaldo”. We’ve been doing this for years, with or without my father and/or brother. Since we’re expecting Trinoma would be crowded during the holiday, we initially planned to go to Marquee Mall. Feeling lazy to take another jeep going to Angeles, and scourge ourselves with the Sun’s heat, we ended up having lunch at SM San Fernando (Pampanga). Looking for something new, we decided to eat lunch at Tempura Japanese Grill.

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