Free Appetizer from Friday’s

Personally, I love Friday’s. I love their food. So when I purchased a Bistro card last May, I was pretty sure I’m going to be visiting the restaurant more often. Even if it would require me to spend more, I was actually excited. So when we were in Marquee Mall one time, I asked my family if we could eat lunch in Friday’s. My Mom was not as thrilled as me, but she didn’t have a choice when everyone else agreed. The goal was to claim the free appetizer care of the Friday’s voucher that came with the Bistro card.

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Mom’s Father’s Day Treat At Red Kimono

It’s our tradition in the family to celebrate Father’s Day even if my Dad is not in the country with us. And during like other occasions, it’s usually either my brother or myself, who wills to pay for our lunch. That time, my sisters and I cracked a joke that my Mom could be in charge of our restaurant bill for a change. Luckily, Mom said yes. We all agreed to eat at Red Kimono while the restaurant could still accommodate us. We went in early, just in time before other families started to fill in the place.

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Youngest’s First Birthday Treat

It was my sister’s 21st birthday and for the first time, she decided to treat us to lunch. Instead of having a separate celebration with some of her closest friends, she just invited them to come with us in Marquee Mall that day. In fairness to my sister, she was game in almost every food we are suggesting her to order at T.G.I. Friday’s. 

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It’s Indeed ‘A Must’ At North Park

I’ve heard a couple of good feedback about North Park but we didn’t have a chance to try the restaurant until Sunday. My sisters have different opinions about their food based on their previous dining experiences but I needed to try them myself. Since we were in Marquee Mall last weekend, I brought my family at North Park. The restaurant was jam-packed with customers when we got there.

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Happy 2012 At Italianni’s

We missed the fun of spending holidays outside last Christmas so for the first day of 2012, my mother agreed to spend it in Marquee Mall. Even if mall hours would start at 12 noon during New Year, we didn’t mind going there early to get a good parking slot. A spacious parking area greeted us when we arrived there 30 minutes before the opening time.

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Roasted Chicken At Kenny Rogers Roasters

We were out last Sunday to do our hopefully last shopping for Christmas. My younger sister would be very busy in the next few days and that was the only time she could manage to buy gifts for her friends and us. Everyone was not in the mood to spend a lot for lunch so we settled for a restaurant that I know serves healthy meals, the Kenny Rogers Roasters.

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Introducing Family To Red Kimono

I only got to eat at Red Kimono twice – during a pre-christmas lunch treat from our project manager and my own birthday treat to some colleagues last year. I’ve tried a few selections of their menu and all of them were quite good. Last weekend, my Mom’s request was to have lunch at Pancake House but it was only until then that we discovered that it had already closed down together with its sister restaurant, Sizzlin’ Pepper Steak. We tried to walk back along the restaurants area and agreed to just try Red Kimono.

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Addicted At Seafood Island’s Boodle Feast

Exactly one week after my Dad was introduced to Seafood Island, we paid the restaurant another visit for our traditional Sunday family lunch. I was expecting disapproval from my family regarding the idea of eating there again but it turned out my parents had the same idea on their minds. My youngest sister, who initially opposed to the plan, was not feeling well at that time. Since she was not interested to eat anything heavy for lunch, she had no choice but to come and eat with us.

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Daddy’s Turn In Seafood Island

It was Sunday once again so we went to the mall after attending mass in our parish. Whenever my father is not in the country, I do not let my sister drive outside Bulacan. But since he was here for a short break, it was a good opportunity for my youngest sister to practice her driving skills in NLEX. For the first time, I think, I enjoyed being a passenger and tried to rest while we’re on our way to Marquee Mall. It was just the four of us including Mom because my younger sister was in Palawan with her friends.

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Celebrating Dad’s 55th Birthday At SumoSam

It was my father’s birthday and like what we used to do every year, we celebrated it with the whole family even if my Dad wasn’t here during his special day. Since I’m still in search for new restaurants to try on, I brought my family to SumoSam at Marquee Mall. I’ve been hearing a lot of good feedback about the restaurant and just found out later that it’s co-owned by Marvin Agustin, a local celebrity. We’re not into Japanese foods but we would like to try some of them especially those fused with American flavors.

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