Free Appetizer from Friday’s

Personally, I love Friday’s. I love their food. So when I purchased a Bistro card last May, I was pretty sure I’m going to be visiting the restaurant more often. Even if it would require me to spend more, I was actually excited. So when we were in Marquee Mall one time, I asked my family if we could eat lunch in Friday’s. My Mom was not as thrilled as me, but she didn’t have a choice when everyone else agreed. The goal was to claim the free appetizer care of the Friday’s voucher that came with the Bistro card.

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Youngest’s First Birthday Treat

It was my sister’s 21st birthday and for the first time, she decided to treat us to lunch. Instead of having a separate celebration with some of her closest friends, she just invited them to come with us in Marquee Mall that day. In fairness to my sister, she was game in almost every food we are suggesting her to order at T.G.I. Friday’s. 

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Taking Advantage Of Friday’s Bistro Card

I never thought I’d be going out on a Monday but I had no choice since we had to meet someone in Makati. After the meeting, my colleague decided to come with me in Trinoma for lunch. To be able to take advantage of his Bistro card, we headed to T.G.I. Friday’s after walking along the line of restaurants located in the 3rd level of Trinoma Mall. It was past lunchtime already so there were a few customers only when we arrived.

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From Cioccolo to T.G.I. Friday’s on Graduation Day

It was past 7 in the evening when we saw my sister and parents walking towards the car from the side of the hotel. It was quite earlier than what we expected. I thought the graduation ceremonies would end before 9. My other sister and I just stayed first in the restaurant then in the car while waiting for them. Inside the Grand Palazzo Royale‘s compound is the Ciccolo Restaurant/Cafe where we stayed for 2 hours. While leeching wifi and working at the same time (I brought my work with me, of course), we ordered for something light since we didn’t want to spoil our dinner celebration. My sister and I shared in their Pistachio Sansrival then had separate drinks. I think I got a raspberry iced tea while my sister had shake.

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First T.G.I. Friday’s Lunch For 2011

My brother was still with us this New Year and that’s a good thing for us. Every time he’s here, there’s a greater possibility that he’ll pay for our lunch/dinner or at least share with the expenses. It’s New Year so we went after a quite expensive lunch. If we failed to go to Marquee Mall last Christmas, we made it this time. Italianni’s was still closed early this year so we decided to go for T.G.I. Friday’s. Since my brother will surely contribute with the expenses, we again ordered for something that is quite expensive.

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Happy Tummies At T.G.I. Friday’s

Last year, we were able to fetch my brother again from the airport. I was hoping that the family could be complete that time but like in 2008, my younger sister wasn’t able to come with us because of some school stuff. Since my brother has been talking about T.G.I. Friday’s since his college days, I had convinced him to treat us lunch there the next time he’ll go home again. I was actually looking forward to that lunch treat especially that I could order for something expensive. That’s how lucky we were.

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